John Wayne Gacy
The object lesson in the analysis of this writing is the study of the handwriting of a very disturbed person. John Wayne Gacy was convicted of 33 serial murders. It is not often that you find the writing of a serial killer with strong clues to their behavior, but with Gacy as we shall see, there are ample clues to suggest his behavioral tendencies.
The first thing that grabs you about this writing is the disagreeable pastosity and the abundant signs of confusion. The heavy pastosity points to a strong need to satisfy urges which, in a generally negative writing, indicates wanton sexuality and cruel violence that would play out in his life. An examination of the lower zone letter formations especially the loops that extend to the left combined with the pastosity indicate an explosive temper with perverse sadistic tendencies. The leftward tendency and weak nature of the lower zone is a clue that the author was unsure of his own sexual identity. Gacy had an overbearing, abusive and alcoholic father whose normal method of teaching John a lesson was severe punishment. Gacy had a love/hate relationship with his father and tried to please him continually without success. There are multiple Personal Pronoun I's (PPI's are both printed and scripted) which suggest a division of the personality. Gacy often referred to an alter ego named Jack whom he said performed the gory activities that he had carried out. In addition to the mixed forms of PPI's, the baseline of the writing is sinuous which attest to his inner confusion.
Another glaring component of this writing is the extreme right slant (45° to the right of vertical or more) leading to hysteria and flight from the past (and therefore the self).
There are a number of indications in this writing of criminal tendency that should be noted. The low form level¹ of this writing indicates a weakness of character and suggests repression of anger. There are examples of tremulous formations that combined with low form level point to feelings of guilt for known and perceived wrongdoing. Another common criminal tendency indication can be found in the numerous misplaced capitals, 1 mixing of letter forms in a low form level writing is another indication of criminal tendency. Another clue to Gacy's motivations can be found in angles in some of the PPI's present in this writing which are based in disconnection from, and anger towards his parents, particularly his father. Some of the contributing analysts felt that the heavy pastosity, with it's underpinning of excessive instinctual cravings, is yet another criminal indication in this writing.
The consensus of those analysts reviewing this writing was that the IQ of Gacy to be around 110. This is based upon the limited number of lead-in strokes, the numeric formations and the speed of the writing. 110 would be a low to moderate achiever in college. If the writing were not retarded by other negative factors, the IQ rating might be slightly higher. The book "Buried Dreams" confirms that 118 was determined to be Mr. Gacy's IQ according to tests given while he was court ordered to undergo psychiatric evauation on a sodomy charge.
The gaps between words is a clue that Gacy did not mix well with others. The rightward slant, while indicating flight from the past, also shows that he could be outgoing when it suited his needs. The flat-top lowercase "r" is said, by some analysts, to represent manual dexterity though this did not figure into the overall analysis. There are a few isolated leftward arcades (like the ending "w" in the word interview) that suggest a self-protective side of Gacy that was, no doubt, another defense that he employed.
As stated in the beginning paragraph, Gacy's writing is quite disturbed and indicates that he suffered from conflicts with his inner daemons. Indications of disconnection from his parents and his past are apparent in this writing and one gets the feeling from looking at this writing that Gacy's actions were an attempt to make sense out of a very confused existence. Violence and criminal leanings are visible in this writers script as are indications of excesses and perversions running counter to the norm. Gacy's disconnection also suggests that he may have developed more than one personality to deal with the deep held neuroses that were employed to try to defend against perceived deficiencies.
The first thing that grabs you about this writing is the disagreeable pastosity and the abundant signs of confusion. The heavy pastosity points to a strong need to satisfy urges which, in a generally negative writing, indicates wanton sexuality and cruel violence that would play out in his life. An examination of the lower zone letter formations especially the loops that extend to the left combined with the pastosity indicate an explosive temper with perverse sadistic tendencies. The leftward tendency and weak nature of the lower zone is a clue that the author was unsure of his own sexual identity. Gacy had an overbearing, abusive and alcoholic father whose normal method of teaching John a lesson was severe punishment. Gacy had a love/hate relationship with his father and tried to please him continually without success. There are multiple Personal Pronoun I's (PPI's are both printed and scripted) which suggest a division of the personality. Gacy often referred to an alter ego named Jack whom he said performed the gory activities that he had carried out. In addition to the mixed forms of PPI's, the baseline of the writing is sinuous which attest to his inner confusion.
Another glaring component of this writing is the extreme right slant (45° to the right of vertical or more) leading to hysteria and flight from the past (and therefore the self).
There are a number of indications in this writing of criminal tendency that should be noted. The low form level¹ of this writing indicates a weakness of character and suggests repression of anger. There are examples of tremulous formations that combined with low form level point to feelings of guilt for known and perceived wrongdoing. Another common criminal tendency indication can be found in the numerous misplaced capitals, 1 mixing of letter forms in a low form level writing is another indication of criminal tendency. Another clue to Gacy's motivations can be found in angles in some of the PPI's present in this writing which are based in disconnection from, and anger towards his parents, particularly his father. Some of the contributing analysts felt that the heavy pastosity, with it's underpinning of excessive instinctual cravings, is yet another criminal indication in this writing.
The consensus of those analysts reviewing this writing was that the IQ of Gacy to be around 110. This is based upon the limited number of lead-in strokes, the numeric formations and the speed of the writing. 110 would be a low to moderate achiever in college. If the writing were not retarded by other negative factors, the IQ rating might be slightly higher. The book "Buried Dreams" confirms that 118 was determined to be Mr. Gacy's IQ according to tests given while he was court ordered to undergo psychiatric evauation on a sodomy charge.
The gaps between words is a clue that Gacy did not mix well with others. The rightward slant, while indicating flight from the past, also shows that he could be outgoing when it suited his needs. The flat-top lowercase "r" is said, by some analysts, to represent manual dexterity though this did not figure into the overall analysis. There are a few isolated leftward arcades (like the ending "w" in the word interview) that suggest a self-protective side of Gacy that was, no doubt, another defense that he employed.
As stated in the beginning paragraph, Gacy's writing is quite disturbed and indicates that he suffered from conflicts with his inner daemons. Indications of disconnection from his parents and his past are apparent in this writing and one gets the feeling from looking at this writing that Gacy's actions were an attempt to make sense out of a very confused existence. Violence and criminal leanings are visible in this writers script as are indications of excesses and perversions running counter to the norm. Gacy's disconnection also suggests that he may have developed more than one personality to deal with the deep held neuroses that were employed to try to defend against perceived deficiencies.
- Form Level is "The aesthetic quality of a writing pattern as judged from the overall appearance of the script" as defined by Klara Roman. Form Level, initially described by Klages and clarified by others, is an aggregate of Rhythm, Symmetry, Speed, Creativity and sometimes Legibility and is a perception you get from a general observation of a writing. Klages stated that Form Level and Rhythm should be noted before proceeding to the more finite indications in a writing. Form Level is part of the initial impression that should always be assessed at the start of any analysis. Low Form Level as we observe in this writing is evident in the broken fluidity and signs of repression.
Biography of John Wayne Gacy

John Wayne Gacy's Resume
John Wayne Gacy 8213 Summerdale
Norwood Park, IL 60611
Objective: Seeking a position utilizing my broad range of managerial skills
and organizational ability. Specifically seeking position with
upward growth potential and advancement.
Experience: Retail Management, Fast Food Management, Civic Organization,
Civil Defense, Government, Carpentry, Remodeling, Building
Contractor, Cement Contractor.
Business Experience:
May 1975 to PE SYSTEMS Norwood Park, Illinois
Present Founder/President
* Successfully managed two independent contracting firms
* Developed building and drug store remodeling business
* Appointed Democratic Precinct Captain
* Successfully organized the Chicago Polish Day Parade
* Founded and presided over two companies with quarter-million
dollar yearly income
Jun 1969 to PDM CONTRACTING - Chicago, Illinois
Apr 1975 Founder/President
* Successfully managed painting and decorating firm
* Named Secretary/Treasurer Norwood Park Township Street
May 1966 to Kentucky Fried Chicken - Waterloo, Iowa
Jan 1969 Management Trainee/Graduate KFU
* Advanced to manager of two KFC locations
* Commissioned Honorary Colonel, Governors Brigade
* Successfully organized 40 Jaycee events
* Served in ministry as Jaycee Chaplain
* Named Jaycee Chaplain of the Year Iowa State
* Served Jaycee Board of Directors
Jan 1963 to Robinson's Department Store - Springfield, Illinois
Jan 1965 Management Trainee/Nunn Bush Shoes
* Organized 40 Jaycee events in first year
* Awarded "Key Man" by Jaycee's
* Voted "Outstanding First Year Jaycee"
* Voted Illinois Third Best Jaycee of the Year
* Successfully planned Central Illinois' largest Christmas Day
Jan 1960 to Palm Mortuary - Las Vegas, Nevada
Jan 1961 Mortuary Attendant/Ambulance Driver
* General Assistant
* Ambulance Driver
Aug 1954 to IGA FOODS - Chicago, Illinois
Dec 1959 Delivery
* Appointed Civil Defense Captain
* Organized Chi-Ro-Youth Club
Education: Chicago Public Schools
Business School
Kentucky Fried Chicken University
* Wechsler IQ: Verbal 119, Performance aspects 129
* Superior Intelligence/Very Bright
Personal: Able to work with and manage people, active in civic
organizations, activepolitical organizations, knowledge of
municipal government, knowledge of organization and fund
raising events, work exceptionally well with young people.
Available to work all shifts including third shift late night
and weekends.
Available to travel.
Hobbies: Holy Name Society Bowling League.
Playing "POGO" the clown at hospitals, community and
charity events.
Archeology, Excavating and Masonry work.
Thumbnail History: This brief sketch is based, in large part, upon the book "Buried Dreams" by Tim Cahill, which is a good source of information about John Wayne Gacy. The basic theme of the book was that John Stanley Gacy (John Wayne's father) through alcoholic abuse, molded John Jr.'s character and that he eventually assumed many of John Sr.'s traits later in life. John Stanley was portrayed as driven by his fear of not being good enough (perceived deficiency) which stemmed from others passing him by in his work environment. John Stanley despised homosexuals and other groups like politicians. John Jr. would adopt these beliefs as John but would, as Jack (his alter ego), do the opposite of John Stanley's behavioral patterns. To correct his perceived deficiencies, John Stanley had to be better than those around him, especially younger people, like John Jr.. John Jr.'s mother Marion would explain that his father had a tumorous growth near the brain and that when he flew off the handle, that John Jr. should not antagonize his father which might lead to a rupture that might kill him, a medical condition. |
One episode in Tim Cahill's book had John Jr. assisting his father in painting the house. John Jr. put too much paint on his brush. This resulted in a uneven look that couldn't be corrected. For this John Jr. was called "Stupid and Dumb" by his father and was punished. John Jr. was always being punished. Nothing he did was ever good enough for his father. John Jr. had physical problems, such as what he called an enlarged bottle-neck heart, a medical condition. John Jr. would pass out frequently and was hospitalized many times for fainting and for what appeared to be epileptic seizures. The doctors never could pinpoint John Jr.'s condition which fueled John Sr.'s suspicions that John Jr. was faking to gain attention. Nearly every meal at the Gacy household, during John Jr.'s adolescence was accompanied by an argument. The meals also followed John Stanley's frequent trips to the basement where he would consume alcohol. Early on John Stanley accused John Jr. of being homosexual. John Stanley hated homosexuals. John Jr. had a more liberal view of homosexuals. The teenagers that John (or Jack) would later pick up were either acquaintances of John Jr.'s through his work where he hired a great many teenagers, or male teenage runaways that would congregate near the Greyhound Bus station (a known prostitution site). As is illustrated in the résumé (above), in the years between 1963 and 1967, John Wayne Gacy was a model citizen. He ran successful businesses, was active in the Jaycee's club, managed political events and volunteered to do citizen police work. And at the same time, he was cruising the streets looking for young victims to punish. The method that John Jr. used was to handcuff his victims and then strangle them about the neck with a rope. He did other things to the victims that are better not discussed in this brief discussion, (suffice it to say that they were gruesome). Gacy methodically buried 29 of his young victims below his house in a small crawl space. He would use strong chemicals to speed up the decomposition process which created a foul odor within the house. There were at least 4 other victims that were dumped in a nearby river when he ran out of space in the basement. From the time that John Wayne Gacy was arrested for the serial murders till he was convicted and finally executed took 16 years. Guest Analyst(s): Graphological Society of San Francisco (GSSF), July 1997 Analysis, 18 participating analysts |