Welcome to the Handwriting Analysts Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. You will find commonly asked questions below to which we have provided answers.
Frequently Asked Questions
- (1) What is Handwriting Analysis
- (2) How is it Used
- (3) What Are The Costs
- (4) How Are Analysts Trained
- (5)How Do I Locate a Qualified Analyst
- (6) Differentiate Between Analyst and Expert
- (7) What Are Some Handwriting Organizations
Q: What Is Handwriting Analysis
A: It is the study of the frozen graphics of printing and cursive writing to determine personality traits. An analogous study would be the projective technique of body language.
Q: How is it Used
A: Personality profiles are done for business applications in screening potential employees and in providing information for training needs. Counselors use the information for focusing their therapy on the personality's particular concerns. Personal analyses are used for compatibility and for self-assessments.
Q: What Are The Costs
A: Fees can range from $50. to $500. for normal business requests. These will depend on the experience and training of the analyst. Typically, in the area of personality assessment, analysts are considered to be business consultants who utilize the technique of handwriting analysis in their evaluations.
Q: How Are Analysts Trained
A: See the Schools page for in depth information on the different types of training available.
Q: How Do I Locate a Qualified Analyst
A: There are several avenues to pursue including referrals from businesses or those who have utilized such services, the yellow pages of the phone directory, contacting the different schools who have trained analysts to name a few.
Q: Differentiate Between an Analyst and Expert
A: A handwriting expert specializes in the forensic aspect of this field by identifying signatures and other writings to determine whether they are forgeries or valid for the stated purposes. A document examiner is another speciality focusing on ink, paper and typewriter identification.
A handwriting analyst specializes in identifying personality traits for various areas including business needs, counseling, compatibility and vocational assessments.
Q: What Are Some Handwriting Organizations
A: Some National and International Handwriting Associations
- (AAHA) American Association of Handwriting Analysis
- (ABFE) American Board Of Forensic Examiners
- (AHAF) American Handwriting Analysis Foundation
- (ASPG) American Society of Professional Graphologists
- (COGS) Council of Graphological Societies
- (EAHR) Eastern Association for Handwriting Research
- (G) Graphex
- (GLAHE) Great Lakes Association of Handwriting Examiners
- (GSSF) Graphological Society of San Francisco
- (HAI) Handwriting Analysts International
- (HAND) Handwriting Analysis Near Detroit
- (HARL) Handwriting Analysis Research Library
- (HCI) Handwriting Consultants International
- (HGC) Human Graphics Center
- (IGAS) International Graphoanalysis Society
- (IGR) Institute of Graphological Research
- (IGS) The Institute of Graphological Science
- (ISHS) The International School of Handwriting Sciences
- (NAIG) North American Institute of Graphology
- (NSG) National Society of Graphology
- (RMGA) Rocky Mountain Graphology Association
- (SFIHR) San Francisco Institute of Handwriting Research
- (SHA) Society of Handwriting Analysts